
We’re your companion
in growth
Our story takes us from scrappy startups to the largest personal injury law firms in the country. We’ve grown fledgling companies from $0 to $100m ARR in under three years and have helped established corporations quadruple their digital sales. We know the winning tactics and strategies your competitors are using, and we can help you follow them. When you work with MeanPug, you’re working directly with passionate founders who love a challenge.
We’ve Helped the
Largest Personal Injury Firms
Double in Size
Bobby Steinbach, former Director of Engineering for Morgan & Morgan, and Andrew Nasrinpay, former Director of Paid Digital Advertising for Morgan & Morgan, founded MeanPug in 2020 as a full-service client origination solution for law firms.
Meet the
MeanPug Pack
We are hiring
We are always looking for new talent. At MeanPug, we believe that the success of our company rests squarely on the work quality and happiness of our team. We want you not for your ability to punch around on a keyboard but for your creativity, spirit, willingness, and ability to execute.
Take a look at our current openings.
Check out our
Free Resources
for marketing tips and tricks.
Know a lot of lawyers? Become a Scout.
Our Scouts introduce us to potential clients. When a deal closes, they get paid pursuant to their agreement. Simple as that.