10. Personal Injury Law in Florida: How to Stand Out Against Mega Firms.

Eric Mausner Episode 10 Splash Image

Episode Overview

Personal injury law is a highly saturated market in Florida and with some of the biggest firms in the world headquartered in the sunshine state, you need solid strategies to beat your competition.

Today on Hot Docket, you’ll hear from Eric Mausner, Founding Partner & Personal Injury Lawyer at Mausner Graham Injury Law PLLC.

With offices in Florida and New York, Eric knows firsthand how different the legal process is in Florida compared to other states. It’s faster, weirder, and less friendly to plaintiffs…thus, it requires a different approach to personal injury law.

So, how does Eric’s small personal injury firm find success in a state dominated by megafirms? Tune in now to find out!

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Episode Topics

  • Eric’s transition from prosecutor to personal injury specialist
  • How to succeed as a smaller law firm in a market dominated by large firms
  • Strategies for differentiating your law firm from the megafirm competitors
  • Technology and automated processes you can integrate into your law firm
  • For PI clients: How to select a personal injury firm that will take your claim to trial
  • How many cases is too many for a PI attorney?
  • Personal Injury in Florida: Are Florida lawyers too risky?
  • Is Florida the least plaintiff-friendly state?
  • The most challenging thing about Florida’s legal process.

Key Actionable Takeaways for Law Firms:

  • Case management software can help you stay organized and connected with your clients so you can be more efficient and better serve your clients.
  • An automated case management system will also help with medical management and onboarding more clients/cases.
  • Florida is very litigious and cases go to trial fast, especially in personal injury. If you’re bringing a case to Florida from out of state, be ready to litigate!
  • The average PI case duration in Florida is 12-18 months compared to 2-3 years in other states.

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